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    Greenhouses & polytunnels posts

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in February

    In your greenhouse or tunnel you may now be fooled that spring has arrived. Your tunnel or greenhouse can easily warm up to 20˚C during sunny spells. You also notice that the days are getting longer and your gardening itch is starting up again. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in January

    January can be the beginning of your creative gardening year in your greenhouse or polytunnel. It’s the first awakening of the year. You can start off new seedlings on your propagator and sow and plant the first vegetables into the ground. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in December

    It’s a good time to take a break from your tunnel or greenhouse. All you need to do is harvest your salads and ventilate as much as possible. If you have spare time you can prepare the beds for the following year. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in November

    We usually don’t think about our tunnel or greenhouse in November. There is very little need for it especially if you have planted the winter salads and overwintering garlic cloves and onion sets in October. There is much less need for watering and also the weeds have slowed down. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in October

    October is the month for clearing and tidying. Your cucumbers and courgettes are likely to be finished and many other plants are getting exhausted and diseased, but hopefully you have a batch of new salad crops ready to plant out now. Read more

    Building a geodesic dome greenhouse

    I watched the weather on the met office website avidly from midweek hoping that Sunday would be fine with light winds. First the weather looked OK then the next day Malcolm called to ask if I really wanted to go ahead Read more

    Why we decided our greenhouse would be a geodesic dome

    We are in the process of building a Geodesic Dome Greenhouse like the one above. There will be another blog article soon about exactly how we built it.  Read more

    It’s time to repair greenhouses and cold frames: glass cutting advice

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 28-Feb-2016 | 4

    It’s that time of year when thoughts have already turned to the vegetable patch and raising seedlings. This is where the glasshouse and cold frame make a huge difference to getting those plants going. Read more

    How to buy, dismantle and re-build a second-hand greenhouse

    A large good quality greenhouse can cost anything from £500 to well over £1,000, which can make a substantial dent in anyone’s budget. So, having decided that I really wanted a greenhouse, I scoured the local papers “for sale” columns. Read more

    Putting up a polytunnel: fresh fruit & veg all year round

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 08-Mar-2015 | 12

    There’s loads of information around when you come to put up your polytunnel. The one I’ve just finished erecting came with really good instructions and the company website provides a whole host of instructional videos for the fiddly bits Read more

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