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    This is the best attempt I’ve seen at building a sustainable, democratic, (and inevitably moneyless) economy. It’s worth understanding what they’re saying

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-May-2017 | 20

    If you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that whatever we do, we’re not going to transition to a sustainable, democratic future with the current money and banking system, then I agree with you. Read more

    How money causes poverty (plus war and ecological destruction), and what could replace it

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-May-2017 | 57

    Exchange has always been part of the human story, whether between individuals, tribes or nations. Some people have what others don’t, due to geography or skill, and exchange is a means of getting what you don’t have, and giving what you have a surplus of. Read more

    Let’s build a sustainable, non-corporate world; but what exactly does ‘non-corporate’ mean?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Apr-2017 | 0

    This is the first of two articles examining the non-corporate sector, and its advantages for ecology, democracy, communities and individuals. Here’s a checklist of the benefits of reducing the reach of the corporate sector, but first, let’s work out what kind of organisations comprise the non-corporate sector. Read more

    Mutualism: a philosophy for changing society with a difference – it’s implementable

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 21-Feb-2016 | 11

    There are lots of ideas for changing the world – from voting to demonstrations, petitions, lifestyle change, incremental change, revolutionary change, or more of the same, only harder. The problem with many of them is that they are either ineffective or not implementable. Read more

    What’s the relative value of the world’s gold, Bitcoins, banknotes, derivatives, stocks & shares, property etc. See this incredible visualisation

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 15-Feb-2016 | 0

    Do you have any idea of the value of all the Bitcoins in the world, compared to, say, the value of all the silver in the world, or compared to the wealth of Warren Buffet, or compared to the amount of global debt etc.? Read more

    How has the 2008 financial crash affected the wealth of the rich and the poor, and what can we do about it?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Dec-2015 | 1

    Have we all suffered equally since the crash of 2008? Have we all shared in the austerity? Well, no – the gap between the rich and the poor is widening in the UK, the US and in fact, in the OECD. In the US, Robert Reich reports that 95% of economic gains since 2009 have… Continue reading How has the 2008 financial crash affected the wealth of the rich and the poor, and what can we do about it? Read more

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