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    Commons economy posts

    Ecological Land Co-op successful in their application for homes on eco-smallholdings in Devon

    Remember this blog post about the Ecological Land Co-op’s attempt to start three eco-smallholdings in Devon? A local councillor said: “Nobody would subject themselves to that way of life. You might as well be in prison“ Read more

    La Via Campesina ‘peasants’ movement inaugurated in the UK

    La Via Campesina is an international organisation claiming around 250 million members! It defends small-scale sustainable agriculture as a way to promote social justice and dignity. Read more

    What’s the potential for the Permaculture, Co-operative and Transition Movements to bring about real change?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Jan-2013 | 0

    What I want to argue is that these are superb movements, promoting as they do, ways of living that are oriented towards nature, co-operation, and face-to-face contact in local communites. Read more

    Why access to land matters

    Well, the world didn’t end yesterday, so let’s make it better in 2013. A crucial element of a just and sustainable world is land reform. Why should so few people own so much land? Here’s a great blog from Shaun about why access to land is so important. Read more

    Affordable, natural, homes for smallholdings: how you can help

    First some background, then below is Zoe’s appeal for letters of support. Wouldn’t it be good if people were allowed to put up their own natural home on their own land, to produce food for themselves and for the rest of us. Read more

    Can multinational corporations ever be green?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 28-Oct-2012 | 0

    This is my response to a marketing lady I met at the Royal Festival Hall last week, who will remain anonymous (unless you want to reveal yourself). You are very intelligent, and you care – our target audience, in other words. Read more

    Should we have a right to live on the land?

    We think so. As long as we do it in a low-impact way. We’re not talking second homes, commuter homes or retirement homes. We’re talking about people who want to work the land organically, be part of the local economy, plant trees, build a home Read more

    You can be part owner of a large solar power plant

    Westmill solar park is located near to Watchfield, on the Wiltshire/Oxfordshire border, just off the A420. The site is operating successfully and consists of 30 acres of over 20,000 solar panels. Read more

    The Woolhope Woodheat Project

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 26-Jun-2012 | 0

    You might like to have a look at our project which covers a load of bases – reducing carbon emissions, protecting neglected woodland, creating employment in woodland management, providing greener heat for hard-to-heat buildings. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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