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  • can you support lowimpact org
  • Posted March 7th, 2024

    Can you support Lowimpact.org?

    Can you support Lowimpact.org?

    Dear Lowimpact community,

    We’re reaching out with a crucial request. Lowimpact.org, your trusted source for low impact living and self-provisioning is facing a financial challenge. Our mission is to provide valuable resources, guidance and to help build the commons economy in ways that can be emulated in any community and federated using the Credit Commons Protocol to form the basis of a new global economy. But our mission is at risk.

    Your support has always been the backbone of the community. Now we need it more than ever. By signing up for a membership, or donating the price of a coffee you can play a pivotal role in keeping lowimpact thriving. Not only will your contribution sustain the site, but it will also ensure the continuous sharing of vital knowledge and practices for a better, more sustainable future.

    Your support will make a significant difference in our collective journey towards a more resilient world.

    With gratitude,

    The Lowimpact.org team.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Charmian Larke March 19th, 2024

      Where is the donate button?

    • 2Cliff March 19th, 2024

      I would be interested to hear how much money you get through, and what it is specifically spent on, and how much you hold, before donating. Transparency first and last.

    • 3Rebecca Stacey March 20th, 2024

      Hi Charmian - the donate button is at the top of the page - or here: https://www.lowimpact.org/about/donate

    • 4Rebecca March 20th, 2024

      Hi Cliff,

      Thanks for the question - costs are mainly maintainng this site - and we keep them as low as possible thanks to people volunteering time, or charging the absolute minimum they can afford. A full breakdown of costs could be something we look to do in the future.

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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