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  • What low-impact looks like

    The ‘impact’ we’re talking about is human impact on nature and on each other, which can be illustrated by comparing our high-impact culture with what we’d like to see instead.


    High-impact: Unhealthy, chemically-grown, processed, overpackaged food.

    Low-impact: Healthy, local, organic food.



    High-impact: Environmentally-destructive, fossil-fuel energy.

    Low-impact: Renewable energy.



    High-impact: Identikit homes built by large developers, from bricks, cement and steel.

    Low-impact: Unique homes made from local, natural materials.



    High-impact: Shoddy, mass-produced corporate goods, made in sweatshops & flown around the world.

    Low-impact: Hand-made, quality, local craft goods that are made to last.



    High-impact: Car-based gridlock.

    Low-impact: Getting around sustainably.



    High-impact: An economy dominated by a relatively small number of giant, multinational corporations.

    Low-impact: A new economy comprised of a large number of small businesses, co-ops and sole traders.



    High-impact: Giant monoculture farms.

    Low-impact: Land reform, smallholdings and small farms.



    High-impact: Trade based on gambling and perpetual growth, to maximise returns for shareholders.

    Low-impact: Trade based on local markets and stability, to maximise benefits for communities.


    Alternatives to the debt trap 1

    High-impact: Mortgage debt.

    Low-impact: Self-build.


    Alternatives to the debt trap 2

    High-impact: Credit card debt.

    Low-impact: Downshifting.



    High-impact: Banks.

    Low-impact: Mutual credit.



    High-impact: A degraded natural environment.

    Low-impact: Pristine, biodiverse nature.



    High-impact: Thinking steered by corporate media.

    Low-impact: Critical thinking.

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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