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  • opportunity for low impact person in the loire valley
  • Posted May 16th, 2014

    Opportunity for low-impact person in the Loire valley

    Opportunity for low-impact person in the Loire valley

    We’ve been approached by a very nice man called Rod Harper, who has never used a computer in his life, and so asked us for help in finding someone to rent his property in the Loire Valley.

    He and his partner are getting on now, and so they’re returning to their native England to be closer to family. They’d be happy for someone to live in their property for a very low rent, but it has to be the right person – i.e. someone willing and able to use the low-impact facilities there.

    It’s a two-bedroom, single storey house with a barn at one end, with about half an acre of land. Rod was a blacksmith, and there is a working forge in the barn. The house is double-glazed, with wood-fired central heating and cooker. There’s a compost loo, polytunnel and large fruit and veg garden.

    The house is in the Loire Valley, about 20 miles north of Saumur, which is on the Loire river. The area is famous for its horticulture and is considered the garden of France. The garden has very good soil, and Rod has put lots of muck on it from a local farmer for the last 7 years.

    He’s happy to rent it out for £200 per month, but I have to stress again – only to the right person. He wants someone to look after the property, workshop and land well, until the time comes for them to sell it.

    If you consider that the rent on a reasonably-sized room in a shared house in London starts somewhere around four times that amount, it’s a pretty good deal. If you can work remotely, if you have savings, or even if you could make your living from blacksmithing, it sounds like an even better deal.

    Please write to Rod with your contact details (not email, that’s not going to work – see above). Tell him that you’ve read our blog post, and also why you think you’d be a good person to live there.

    Rod Harper
    Les Gouas
    49490 Noyant

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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