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  • Posted July 15th, 2012

    Want to help start an eco-village in Ireland?

    Want to help start an eco-village in Ireland?

    Hello. My family and I moved to Ireland three years ago when our eldest boy was born. Previous to this we were living aboard a narrow boat cruising between the midlands and London. We loved the life and freedom that came with the lifestyle – however, when it was discovered that my wife was pregnant we decided to make a change as we didn’t have a mooring for our boat (any boater will tell you that they are rarer than unicorn tears) and we felt we needed a little more stability than the boat could offer us.

    We decided at this point to make the move to Ireland. Although we are very happy in our current position we still feel that something is missing. We miss having a close-knit community of like-minded people around us, and feel that the lifestyle we lead currently could be a lot greener.

    Thats when we happened upon an eco-village in west Cork. This started a chain reaction of ideas and subsequently led us to find an amazing piece of land in east Clare. In a nutshell, my family and I are looking to start a small community of like-minded familes, couples or individuals to create a self-sustaining eco-community in the republic of Ireland in east Clare.

    I am looking for four to five people to invest in a 24-acre site with massive potential for kin domain living, whereby the residents would occupy and manage their own plot within the site.  They would grow veg and create power for themselves, but also for the community as a whole. The system would be based on permaculture principles.

    The primary use of the site would be in the planting and  management of a coppiced woodland which would be managed by the community. The site is ten minutes from an amazing Steiner school in a very rural area yet with quick access to a town. I really feel that with the right people and a little investment there is potential to create a future-proof model of sustainable living.

    If you are interested you can contact me at: https://www.facebook.com/EastClareEco

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