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  • Posted June 6th, 2016

    How to leave the city and regain a connection with the land

    How to leave the city and regain a connection with the land

    Many city people yearn to be involved with the land hands-on—and to do so on a long-term basis. But leaving the city for good is too big a step for most people; they need to keep a stake in the city for work or social reasons.

    Country people and farmers, for their part, could often use the energy, time and skills of city folk—but can’t afford to pay. Volunteers are not ideal—especially if they only come once: Farmers end up as unpaid chaperones to a succession of strangers. Agritourism? Too passive—and often too expensive. That weekly vegetable box? On its own, it’s hardly the basis of a meaningful relationship.

    On July 9-10th we’re really excited to have design thinker and activist John Thackara — author of the new book How To Thrive in the Next Economy — running a two day workshop on the Dorset coast (Bridport).

    We’re now offering our visitors 10% off the workshop — £67.50 instead of £75 — and you can book here: http://www.stirtoaction.com/workshops/redesigning-back-to-the-land-john-thackara

    Workshop Description

    Our weekend course is about new ways for city people to re-connect with the land—and how to make them happen. Ways that are part-time, but long-term. Ways that involve an exchange of value, not just paying money. Ways to share knowledge, land, and equipment in new ways. Ways based on historical links between town and country—but reinvented in an age of networks and social innovation.

    Day 1 — We will share stories of new models that seem to be working: social farming, care farming, WWOOFING, networked beer and bread production, earth repair, community land sharing, the maker movement, and all things peer-to-peer.

    Day 2 — We will design, and hopefully build, the prototype of a back-to-the-land cooperation platform.

    What participants will leave with

    — Ideas on practical ways for city people to re-connect with the farmers, soils, trees, animals, landscapes,water and energy sources on which all life depends.

    — Hands-on experience of building a co-operation platform.

    — Connections with people with a shared commitment to make this happen.

    Facilitator Profile

    John Thackara is a philosopher, writer and event producer who has spent a lifetime searching for live examples of what a sustainable future can be like. He writes about these stories at his blog, Doors of Perception, and in books; his most recent is How To Thrive In the Next Economy. 


    Jonny Gordon-Farleigh


    STIR Magazine


    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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