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  • jumble trail stroll around neighbourhood meet local people grab bargain grab food sell unwanted stuff
  • Posted September 10th, 2016

    Jumble Trail: stroll around your neighbourhood, meet local people, grab a bargain, grab some food and sell unwanted stuff

    Jumble Trail: stroll around your neighbourhood, meet local people, grab a bargain, grab some food and sell unwanted stuff

    I’d like to bring to people’s attention a community event I’m championing in my neck of the woods called a Jumble Trail. I’m in Wandsworth, London, but Jumble Trails are happening all over the country, and you can join in.

    It’s a bit like a collective “yard sale” where lots of people in a small area of a neighbourhood bring their unwanted household items out into their front gardens on a particular day to sell to neighbours and visitors. So you have a stroll around your neighbourhood meeting people, eating and drinking, picking up bargains and helping people get rid of unwanted stuff for a few pennies. What’s not to like?

    We visited one earlier this year and bought some great toys, books and clothes for the kids for pennies but more importantly it was great to see neighbours and visitors chatting away over a beer and some bbq, and there was a fantastic sense of community. The web site publishes a map of all the households participating, so as a visitor, you can plan a route round as many as you can manage.

    We’ve got a cellar full of stuff we need to sell or give away and this seems much less faff than ebay or getting up at 6am to do a boot sale! Usually there’s a small fee for each household participating but on this occasion, it’s being sponsored by Recycle for London, so is free to join, so I hope some of you will join us and make this a fun event in our neighbourhood.

    Go to http://www.jumbletrail.com/ enter your postcode and register to get a login and password. You can then enter your address and will appear on the map.

    If anyone in south-west London who’s passionate about community events and trying to stop waste going to landfill might like to give me a hand, perhaps by distributing some leaflets on your street, your help would be much appreciated. Our next one is Sunday October 9th.

    Anyone who has any questions is welcome to call me on 07810 753 815 or email [email protected]

    If you like the idea, please share the link to the web site on Facebook and Twitter and forward this email to any sustainability and community minded friends in the local area and those who love a rummage for vintage stuff! We’re also on https://www.facebook.com/JumbleTrailWandsworth/













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