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  • how to make wild garlic nettle and cheese savoury muffins
  • Posted March 30th, 2022

    How to make wild garlic, nettle and cheese savoury muffins

    How to make wild garlic, nettle and cheese savoury muffins

    Here’s a recipe from Chris Bax of Taste the Wild for savoury muffins using wild garlic and nettle tops that can be foraged in many places at this time of year.


    50g Wild Garlic Leaves

    75g Nettle Tops (Blanched in boiling water and refreshed in ice-cold water).

    200g Cream Cheese

    310ml Milk

    100ml Olive Oil

    75g Grated Parmesan

    110g Grated Cheddar

    1 tsp Hot Chilli Powder

    3 Large Eggs

    500g Self-Raising Flour

    2 tsp Baking Powder

    10g Melted Butter

    A handful of Sesame and Pumpkin Seeds

    1 tsp Salt

    Wild garlic and nettle muffins


    Preheat the Oven to 200°C

    Line a twelve large hole muffin tin with baking parchment. To do this you will twelve 15cm x 15cm squares with a cut from a corner to the centre. Soften the papers with water and push them into the tin’s holes. Brush the insides of the cases with melted butter.

    Finely chop the wild garlic and nettle tops. Whisk these together with olive oil, parmesan, cheddar, chilli powder, eggs, milk and salt. Sift the flour and baking powder into the mixture and mix everything together.

    Divide two-thirds of the mixture amongst the muffin cases. Spoon the cream cheese equally over the top of the mixture and top with the rest of the mixture. Sprinkle with sesame and pumpkin seeds.

    Bake in the top of the oven for 25-30 minutes. Leave to cool in the tin slightly and then serve warm or cold.

    Wild garlic and nettle muffins

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