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  • free build camp to construct a roundwood timber framed barn with living roof
  • Posted April 16th, 2018

    Free build camp to construct a roundwood timber-framed barn with living roof for a community organisation

    Free build camp to construct a roundwood timber-framed barn with living roof for a community organisation

    This is a REAL, FULL BUILD on-site, so we need everyone taking part in this free build camp to be physically fit, strong and competent with tools. You will also need to be robust and self-sufficient as we’ll be living outdoors in basic conditions. 18yrs +.

    Free-Build is a volunteering camp to help make the most mind bogglingly beautiful natural buildings affordable for schools, charities, community groups, trusts and public organisations who put other people and the environment first.

    Free build is not a course but we’ve all come to learn as well as give. Your participation assists the charity, community group or school accomplish the building of their dreams. The main currency is your physical work and every participant pays only for food which is £45 per week to cover the costs of Katherine cooking our evening meals. This is also your deposit to book a place.

    During this camp we are building a roundwood timber framed barn with green roof. When finished this building will be available for local community groups to use free of charge. We ask a minimum commitment of two weeks and we’ll all be camping together on-site for the duration.

    If you would like to be involved please email me including RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, AGE and a BIT ABOUT YOURSELF as we like to have a mixture of ability, gender and age.

    Level – Experience required
    Date – 16th – 29th July
    Duration – 2 weeks
    Project – Roundwood timber barn with turf roof
    Price – Free
    Client – Hawkwood College – Stroud


    It’s difficult to put into words, (or music or dance)…This building and the team have been fabulous. Lots of learning, experimenting, laughter, music, exceptional food and an amazing building for a fabulous charity. I don’t want to go home or burst the bubble. Thank you. Lindy.

    So much positivity to take away from this experience. Not only a valuable learning opportunity but so much fun, community and peace. Sad to be departing but leaving with inspiration in my heart. Many thanks to Adrian and Kath and to everyone who made this project possible. Lot of love Matt.

    Thanks to Kath for putting on a food fest and to Adrian for the woodworking. I think I have found a group of lifelong friends who I know will come running when called upon. I have had an absolute blast with all aspect of the past 14 days. I would like to shout a massive thanks for allowing me to be part of an awesome build and to a great charity. Cheers Boycee

    What seems now like a very long time ago when I lived in Belize I had my first experience of a community building project. We helped a family to build their home, a simple and humble hut built from natural materials. The whole village came out to help; women, children, young and old, all dug with their hands, sticks, make-do tools or what ever they had to hand. Slowly bit by bit from the foundations upwards the hut grew. Back in the UK I felt inspired to continue this tradition which must surely have been common place here too not so long ago. Adrian Leaman (Wholewoods)

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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