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  • Posted September 4th, 2018

    Farm Hack is coming to Wales! Join in 6-7 October at the CSA Gathering

    Farm Hack is coming to Wales! Join in 6-7 October at the CSA Gathering

    You’re invited to participate in skill shares and farm hacks from 6-7 October 2018 at Tyddyn Teg Co-operative near Caernarfon. A joint event between Farm Hack and the Community Supported Agriculture network in Wales, Frank White tells us more.


    First things first. Just what is Farm Hack? Farm Hack is a peer-to-peer learning network, based on open source and horizontal sharing of on farm appropriate technology solutions. You can read about the idea here at farmhack.org. We get to learn new skills, see the inventions of our peers and learn what works for them.

    We feel farmers and landworkers are a skilled bunch so we want to give the floor to our innovation and curiosity. Peer to Peer learning is simply a way to open the process of learning to be driven by our inquisition on the subject not the an assumed expert opinion. We will all be the teachers and we will all be the learners.

    In this spirit we need you and your inventions for Farm Hack Wales 2018!

    A joint venture between Social Farms & Gardens, the Farm Hack Network and the Landworker’s Alliance, come join us to learn, share skills, network and get down and dirty on the details of how to build a sustainable food system including:

    ⚙️ Setting up a CSA
    ⚙️ DIY open source on farm robot
    ⚙️ Communicating with customers and building CSA memberships
    ⚙️ Metal work, using a forge, tool sharpening and reconditioning
    ⚙️ Nursery management
    ⚙️ Low impact homesteading
    ⚙️ CSA for livestock farmers
    ⚙️ Woodwork tools, carpentry and round wood construction
    ⚙️ Machinery and tools for small scale producers

    Do you have any inventions or good ideas to share? Get in touch! We want to hear about it all and hopefully we can make it part of the gathering. Please do email us at [email protected].


    The main Farm Hack event will then run on Saturday 6th October and Sunday 7th October 2018.

    A ‘pre-hack’ will take place Thursday 4th and Friday 5th October 2018. These days are not ticketed but we ask for a £5 per meal contribution. The content of these two days will be driven by the participants and we invite you to share your ideas and creativity before and during the event, bring any inventions or questions with you.


    Hosted by Tyddyn Teg Co-operative, the event will take place at Tyddyn Teg, Tyddyn Berth, Bethel, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 3PS. Their 31 acre holding near Caernarfonn is nestled on the south facing slopes of a small valley, between the majestic mountains of Snowdonia and the graceful beauty of the Menai Strait. The four-person co-operative grows vegetables using organic methods to supply the local community with quality food with the help of volunteers. Learn more about their work at tyddynteg.com.


    If you’d like to be part of Farm Hack Wales 2018, you can find ticket information at pretix.eu/farmhackwales2018/fhw2018/. Tickets include camping and meals and we have a sliding scale between unwaged and medium income tickets. It’s totally up to you how much you want to pay, don’t be shy in buying the lowest price ticket. Also, if you feel this event is something you want to see more of then you can pay a little more or even the top price if you really feel generous.

    Social Farms & Gardens will cover the cost of tickets for those actively involved in or planning to start up CSA projects in Wales through the Tyfu Fyny project, funded through the Rural Development Plan for Wales (2014–2020). Contact Tony Little via email at [email protected] or via telephone on 07969 541133 for details and information about eligibility.

    Further information

    If you want to see what happened in previous farm hacks check out the wiki site at farmhack.org/tools. You can also watch this great little video from Farm Hack Scotland.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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