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  • eco friendly surface cleaner
  • Posted December 7th, 2023

    Eco-friendly surface cleaner

    Eco-friendly surface cleaner

    I would like to start by congratulating you on finding this tutorial on how to make an eco-friendly surface cleaner. I promise you that you will love it. Most eco friendly products are given bad press because its assumed that because they are good for the environment that there must be a trade off, that the product won’t clean properly but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, eco friendly products and harmful chemical cleaners, the main reason the latter is preferred is because they are cheaper to produce.

    This means more profit for manufacturers and retailers, it’s the reason eco friendly products are so expensive just because of greed and corruption. Cleaning with harmful chemicals has become common practise but it doesn’t have to be this way. The chemical cleaners are cheap to produce, they work efficiently and are convenient all at the expense of our health.

    Using a toxic bleach spray damages our skin causing redness, itching and dryness. Breathing in the harmful chemicals is not ok, we need to make a change. You only need a few ingredients and materials and you will have this multi purpose surface cleaner.

    What you will need

    • Distilled or cooled boiled water (400ml)
    • Castile soap (3 tbsp)
    • Glycerine (1/4 tsp)
    • Grapefruit essential oil (organic is best but others are fine)
    • Tea tree oil
    • Glass spray bottle (500ml)
    • Funnel 


    Pour the distilled water through the funnel into the glass bottle then add in the Castile soap, vegetable glycerine, 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil and then 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Screw the spray cap onto the bottle, make sure you tighten it well to avoid spilling, shake well to combine, your spray is ready to be used. 

    Eco-Friendly Surface Cleaner (FAQ)


    The vegetable glycerine is a dust repellent and the Castile soap kills up to 99% of all bacteria. The essential oils will boost the bacteria killing properties and leave your home and surfaces smelling divine.


    This multi-purpose cleaning spray works wonders cleaning the kitchen worktops, for wiping down appliances, inside your kitchen cupboards, around the sink areas, cleaning the oven window, the bathtub, around the exterior of the toilet, cleaning the dinner table, placemats and so much more. 

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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