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  • Posted July 22nd, 2015

    Permaculture Conference & Convergence: 10% discount for Lowimpact visitors

    Permaculture Conference & Convergence: 10% discount for Lowimpact visitors

    The International Permaculture Convergence, London 2015, will bring together leading experts and practitioners from around the world. We have everything we need to create a sustainable world and future. Together we will create a vision of a near future society that is caring, sustainable and fair, and explore how we can collectively design strategies and pathways to make it happen.

    Conference, 8-9 September 2015, The Light, Euston Road, London.
    Designing the World We Want – two days packed with presentations, workshops, academic papers, exhibitions, music, and art. Two days packed with presentations, workshops, academic papers, exhibitions, music, and art – and only an extra £20 for two days of children’s activities! Some of this will be in plenary but throughout there will be a participatory approach. Our venue, The Light, is in central London with excellent transport links and nearby accommodation options. The International Permaculture Conference will bring together some of the most inspiring and experienced practitioners and thinkers from around the world in a diverse and engaging programme.

    Convergence, 10-16 September 2015, Gilwell Park, Essex.
    Designing the network we want – for people from around the world using permaculture in their everyday lives and communities. The International Permaculture Convergence will bring together some of the most inspiring and experienced practitioners from all over the world in a diverse and engaging programme, from 10-16 September 2015. Six days packed with workshops, presentations, and entertainment for adults and children. Our venue, Gilwell Park, is a wonderful setting on the edge of Epping Forest, with excellent transport links to central London. Book your place at this unique event.

    The IPC is a truly global event with participation coming from at least 50 countries. 400 people have already bought their tickets to the convergence, and they come from 6 continents: Africa (3%); Latin America (5%); Asia (7%), North America (10%), Australia & Aotearoa (9%); Europe (65%). Amongst the list of delegates are people from some countries that have never been into an IPC.

    Whilst about two-thirds of people are coming from English-speaking countries (USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand), the language group are working to come up with appropriate support so everyone can actively participate. (If you are attending and haven’t already completed the survey about language support, found in your registration email, please do it soon).

    We are still working hard to get more global participation: we expect a few hundred more bookings and we are exploring technologies for remote participation.

    Edge events, throughout the UK and Europe.
    From tours and courses, to talks and more.

    Book now for early bird tickets.

    10% discount for our audience. Just add LILIIPCUK to the discount code box when you book.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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