Wild swimming - links

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Channel Swimming Association if you really decide to go for it
The Ecologist article about the problem of phosphates in our watercourses
The Ecologist another article: how green is your washing powder?
Good Beach Guide find the cleanest bathing waters around the UK coast
Guardian article about wild swimming
Guardian wild swimming videos with Kate Rew
Marine Conservation Society campaigning for marine wildlife, clean seas and beaches
Outdoor Swimming Society free-to-join organisation set up to promote outdoor swimming
River & Lake Swimming Association the first national organisation set up to safeguard the interests of open water swimmers
Surfers Against Sewage campaigning for cleaner seas
Tide Times check tide times / tide calendar for sea swimming
UK Lakes Portal location of and information about lakes, lochs or loughs in the UK
Wild Swim interactive map of swimming spots all over the UK
Wild Swimming wild swimming online community
The Wild Swimming Brothers stories, blog and inspiration for wild swimming
The Wild Swimming Brothers ten short films about wild swimming

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