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  • making a diy wormery out of scrap materials
  • Making a DIY wormery out of scrap materials

    Making a DIY wormery out of scrap materials

    This video shows a method of making a wormery using 3 old recycling boxes.

    There are many other ways of making a wormery though, and it can be done with just one box with a tap or drain installed near the bottom, a grill or mesh across the inside bottom of the box raised up a few inches on plant pots or bricks so that liquid can drain down, a light proof lid and some air holes in the box.  To empty a single-box wormery, remove top layers of food which should contain most worms, then tip out finished compost.  If there are a lot of worms in the finished compost, see the ‘Overcoming Problems’ section of the Vermiculture / Worm Composting Topic Introduction.

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