Veganism - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Suppliers, restaurants, accommodation & catering

Out and About listing of vegan shops, accommodation and restaurants in the UK – from Vegan Village
VegCom UK UK listing of accommodation catering for vegetarians and vegans

Information & campaigns

The Meatrix brilliant cartoon about factory farming – show it to your kids and email it to your friends
The Easy Vegan advice about going vegan
NHS how to be healthy on a vegan diet guide to being vegan
Vegan London helping you be vegan in London
Vegan Society membership organisation with lots of info, events, links etc.
Wikipedia entry for veganism
Wikipedia list of famous(ish) vegans


Great Vegan Recipes a page full of vegan recipe websites from Vegan Village – should keep you going for a while
Recipes Around the World almost 3000 vegan recipes from around the world

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