Veg oil motoring - links

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Alternative Fuels Data Center(US) put SVO (straight veg oil) into the search box
Biofuel Systems biodiesel and veg oil filtration equipment
BioPoweredwiki on making and using biodiesel and converting vehicles to run on straight veg oil
ElsbettElsbett Gmbh (Germany) – manufacturer of conversion kits (new oil only)
How Stuff Workshow diesel engines work
Journey to Foreverlots of discussion about using straight veg oil as a road fuel, plus comparisons with biodiesel
Science Directarticle: straight vegetable oil as a diesel fuel?
University of Leedsinvestigation of emissions from HGV run on veg oil
Veg Burnerdetailed report on veg oil as a fuel
Veggie Powerconversions; kits
WVO Designs Wikiwiki all about waste vegetable oil and how to use it as a fuel

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