Timber building - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.


Benfield ATT FSC-certified timber frame products, design and build services
Crown Oak Green oak timber frame builders
Dolmen Building Conservation traditional timber-frame buildings
Fast Frame modern timber-frame buildings
Greenwood Futures timber framers in Dorset
Imperial Framing oak-framed buildings from local timber, Sussex
Miles of Harris bespoke post & beam buildings, Scotland
Natural Building Specialists timber builders in Sheffield
New World Timber Frame timber frame houses
Pioneer Environmental Buildings design and construct timber-frame buildings, Cornwall
Segal Self-Build trust which helps people build their own timber homes
Sussex Oak & Iron timber building, repairs, design and supply of materials
Timber builders SE list of timber builders & architects in the SE of England
Trade Oak Building Kits green oak building kits, Sussex

Timber building supplies

Benfield ATT FSC-certified timber frame products, design and build services
Forest Stewardship Council certifying timber sourced from sustainable forestry
In Wood manufacturers of building components from sustainable timber
Sussex Oak & Iron timber building, repairs, design and supply of materials
Sawmills & timber products see our ‘trees, woodlands & timber’ links page for sawmills and timber products

Cabins & kit homes

Cabinco log cabin design and construction and sustainable wooden homes, offices and commercial buildings
Garden Adventure log cabins and houses, Sussex
Homestead Timber Buildings timber ‘garden houses’ – look like real houses
Hortons Log Cabins from tiny log cabins to 2-storey timber houses
Logspan log cabins, timber garages, sheds etc.
Rayne Construction log cabin kits, Aberdeenshire
Scandinavian Systems self-assemble, tongue & groove timber house kits


Bede’s World medieval timber building reconstructions / visitor centre, Northumberland
Eco-lodge stay in a beautiful timber eco-lodge in Lincolnshire, built by our course tutor
Andy Reynolds
Hewnwood 5-day (and one-day introductory) timber frame building courses, nr Brecon, Wales

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