Stone building - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

General information

British Geological Survey if you’re interested in more in-depth info about geology, how different stones are formed, and where they are
Building Stones of the United Kingdom interesting article on the ‘building conservation’ website
Building Stone Services if you want to get technical, here’s a range of services from identification to geochemical testing, on the BGS website
National Stone Centre Peak District visitor centre and courses
Natural Stone Institute promoting the understanding of all aspects of natural stone, from geology to quarrying and building
The Search for Stone article on how to identify, source and match Britain’s building stones
Stone Network huge number of links to businesses and information about stone
Stone Roofing Association all about stone roofs

Building & repairs, products & materials

Cob, Stone & Lime cob, stone and lime building in north Devon
Drystone Craft family stonework company, Lancs
MineralsUK centre for sustainable mineral development, plus a stone-matching service
Old Stone Match matching reclaimed old building stones
Stone Federation UK trade association for the natural stone industry
Stone masons list of UK stone masons on ‘’
Stone suppliers list of UK stone suppliers on ‘’


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