Scything - links

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Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet 18th century water-powered industrial works, now a museum; the main product was agricultural scythes
The Beauty of Scythes article by Richard Scott in Countryside magazine (US)
Co-operative Scythe Network fantastic Canadian site with tons of information about scythes, including buying them, using them, plus a video
Countryside Museum scythes and scything at the Countryside Museum, Cumbria
How Austrian Scythes Changed My Life article by Simon Fairlie
Log Cabin Chronicles article about the joy of scything
Mother Earth News how to use a scythe
Scythe Festivals scything festivals in Dorset and Lancs – including competitions between scythes and brushcutters
Green Scythe Fair scythe fair in Somerset
Scythe Association of Britain & Ireland promoting scythes and scything
Scythe Reapers Association of Pont Salomon scything association in France – in English (ish)
Scythe Supply US site with lots of good info
World-Wide Scythe Network connecting scythe enthusiasts around the world

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