Papermaking - links

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CaiLun paper and bookmaking blog
Chronology of Papermaking chronology of papermaking going back to 3000 BCE
Chronology of Papermaking more detailed chronology of true papermaking from 105 CE in China
Exploratorium papermaking technique
Hand Papermaking articles on hand papermaking for beginners
Hand Papermaking & Papier Mache info on papermaking generally, but halfway down the page there is a list of ways to make paper from a range of plants
Handmade Paper on the Net huge web resource of papermakers, organisations and information on handmade paper
Pioneer Thinking papermaking in 10 easy steps
Simple Paper Re-making simple papermaking instructions
Tear It Up basic papermaking techniques
Victoria Paper beautiful handmade papers from around the world


British Association of Paper Historians bringing together organisations and individuals in the UK who are interested in papermaking and its history
International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists promoting papermaking internationally
International Association of Paper Historians if you’re interested in the history of papermaking, this is the site for you

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