Narrowboats - links

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Canal & River Trust protecting over 2,000 miles of waterways in England and Wales
Canal Junction information, guides, holiday listings, boat-builders, advice and more
Canal societies listing of local canal societies
Historic Narrowboat Club dedicated to preserving the working heritage of UK canals
Horseboating Society promoting horse-drawn boats
Inland Waterways Association membership charity that works to protect and restore the country’s 6,500 miles of canals and rivers
Narrowboat Trust promoting working boats
National Association of Boat Owners representing UK boat owners
National Community Boats Association provide access to services on the UK’s inland waterways for the benefit of their local community
Residential Boat Owners Association representing all those who have chosen to make a boat their home
Scottish Canals looking after canals in Scotland


Animated Knots
how to tie lots of useful knots for boating
Before you Buy a Boat
what to think about before getting a narrowboat
Boat Safety Scheme
helping to minimise the risk of boat fires, explosions, or pollution harming visitors to the inland waterways
Boater’s Handbook
basic boat handling and safety for powered boats
Burgundy Canal how a canal lock works (animation) ‘being an introduction for those unfamiliar with the pleasures of canal and waterway cruising, as well as a resource for experienced boaters’
Choosing and buying your licence everything you need to know about licensing your boat
the Green Blue helping boat users, boating businesses, clubs and training centres to reduce their impact on coastal and inland waters
Go Green On Board green guide to inland boating
Living on a Boat comprehensive guide to boat living
Low Impact Life Onboard (LILO) site with tons of info on sustainable boating
Maps & guides from the Inland Waterways Association
Waterways Directory lots of useful information
Wooden Canal Boat Society preserving and promoting wooden canal boats


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