Micro-hydro - links

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British Hydropower Association abstraction licences – guidelines, application forms; listings of installers, suppliers etc.
Do the Math the mathematics of the energy-water nexus
Engineers Daily micro-hydro for developing countries
Estimating Head and Flow how to roughly estimate the head and flow of your stream, to calculate the amount of power you could generate.
Foundation for Water & Energy Education US site with lots of useful info, plus practical educational resources for generating hyro-power
Gov.uk govt. guidelines, application forms etc.
Guide on Developing a Small Hydropower Plant 1 151-page pdf guide to small hydropower from the European Small Hydropower Association
Guide on Developing a Small Hydropower Plant 2 145-page guide – second part of the above
International Hydropower Association promoting hydro-power internationally
Low-Tech Magazine back to basics: direct hydropower
Micro-Hydro Association helping promote micro hydro and to lobby for simplification of the regulations governing its adoption; listing of installers, suppliers etc.
Microhydropower.net international site with info and manuals etc.
National River Flow Archive river flow data in the UK
Pico Hydro for Cost-Effective Lighting pdf document about using very small hydro systems for lighting in developing countries – from Boiling Point magazine
REUK how to construct a DIY waterwheel
Sciencing how to build a micro-hydro turbine generator
WaterHistory history of waterwheels
Wikipedia micro-hydro
Wikipedia pico-hydro – teeny systems

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