Keeping livestock - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Agrisellex Electric Fencing electric fencing and animal husbandry products
Animal Health & Welfare DEFRA pages on animal health and welfare
Electric Fence Online electric fences and solar panels to run them
Electric Fence Systems ‘easy-click’ electric fences, Dorset
Find a Vet find your local vet
Forsham Electric Fencing includes a little video on how to set up electric fencing
Green Frog Designs animal housing from recycled plastic
John Underwood livestock equipment, Warwicks
The Organic Feed Co. organic and GM-free animal feeds
Pasture-Fed Livestock Association promoting the benefits of producing meat from animals fed exclusively on pasture
Rare Breeds Survival Trust charity working to preserve rare breeds of farm animals
Trojan Trailers all sorts of trailers, including for livestock
Viable Self-sufficiency advice for smallholders, plus a lambing course

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