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Find hedgelayers

National Hedgelaying Society list of hedgelaying contractors all around the UK


Blackdown Hills Hedge Association group on the Devon / Somerset border
Durham Hedgerow Partnership group in County Durham
English Hedgerow Trust ‘established to make some contribution towards redressing the massive destruction of hedgerows in the British countryside’
Guild of Cornish Hedgers group in Cornwall
Hedgeline campaign for legislative control of nuisance high hedges such as Leylandii
Hedgelink partnership organisation set up to conserve the UK’s hedgerow heritage
Isle of Wight Hedgerow Group group on the Isle of Wight
National Hedgelaying Society UK group – committed to conserving hedgerows through traditional skills
National Hedgelaying Society list of local hedging societies
Somerset Hedge Group group in Somerset

Information, blogs etc.

Cornish Hedges Love this site – a huge resource on everything to do with Cornish hedges (which are different due to their stone face, earth-banks with trees and shrubs above), including a huge photo gallery
Hedgerow Survey Handbook standard procedure for local hedgerow surveys in the UK (pdf)
Hedgelaying / Hedgerow Conservation useful info
a Load of Old Billhooks all about billhooks – fantastic stuff
Natural England illustrated guide to hedgerow network restoration
Naturenet attempt to interpret the hedgerows regulations
Office of Public Sector Information the hedgerows regulations 1997 (via Wikipedia, as govt. pages change regularly)
Paul Blissett hedgelayer with lots of info on his site

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