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  • Repair & maintenance videos – Husqvarna models

    Thanks to Andy Reynolds for vids. 

    Husqvarna 357 cylinder replacement

    Husqvarna 346 oil pump repair

    Husqvarna 350 rebuild – piston, ring, crank, big end, fuel pumps & primer pump

    Husqvarna 350 rebuild – measuring the piston & rings, rear handle, fuel pipe and AV mounts

    Husqvarna 350 rebuild – fittng the cylinder and carb, ramblings on piston ring measurements

    Husqvarna 350 rebuild – refitting the flywheel, locking the engine and tightening the retaining nut; fitting the ignition unit and setting the gap; attaching the wires to the on/off switch

    Husqvarna 350 rebuild – refitting the oil pump, clutch, and exhaust

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