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  • breaking the frame gathering volunteer opportunity
  • Posted February 28th, 2014

    ‘Breaking the Frame’ gathering & volunteer opportunity

    ‘Breaking the Frame’ gathering & volunteer opportunity

    Here’s some information on a great gathering happening in Derbyshire in May, and see below for an interesting volunteer opportunity in London to assist in organising the event. Over to David.

    The Breaking the Frame gathering is just less than three months away and it’s time to book your place at one of the most exciting events of this year. We need your participation and input to help us take a leap forward in radical politics.

    Whether you’re interested in the politics of food, energy, work, environment, gender, peace, economics, health, etc., all these issues are shaped by choices about technology made by military, corporate and technocratic elites.   The aim of the gathering is to change the debate about technology, environment and society, and to put the politics of technology where it belongs, at the heart of radical politics.  It’s about a broad social and political vision, not just a long list of issues raised by technology.  And we will to do more than just talk about the issues: we aim to create a new network on the politics of technology, which will strengthen existing campaigns and act as a platform for new ones.

    Although the main focus will be on learning from each other, we have some great speakers lined up including Jerry Mander (International Forum on Globalisation), Simon Fairlie (editor, The Land Magazine), Hilary Wainwright (editor, Red Pepper), Theo Simon (Stop Hinkley C), Danny Chivers (No Dash for Gas). And it won’t just be talking and thinking – there will be hands on workshops, music, poetry and time to explore the beautiful grounds of Unstone Grange and the surrounding Derbyshire countryside.  There will be childcare available during the daytime so parents can fully participate in the gathering.

    So whether you are a technology politics campaigner, trade unionist, radical scientist/engineer, environmentalist, developer of alternative technologies, artist, or plain concerned citizen, Breaking the Frame is not to be missed.

    For more on the ideas behind the gathering and to check out the growing list of organisations supporting it and taking part, visit www.breakingtheframe.org.uk.  You can book online, or print and post the attached registration form.  We are committed to making sure that no-one is excluded for financial reasons, so we are subsiding places to make sure the gathering is as cheap as possible.

    Please help us publicise the gathering by forwarding this message to relevant email lists, facebook groups, etc.



    Breaking the Frame is seeking a volunteer to start immediately, working up until 7th May 2014, to assist in organising a weekend event at the beginning of May.

    This is a valuable opportunity to gain experience in event organising and administration, as well as build up a strong network of contacts in the environmental and political sectors. You will also have an enjoyable weekend attending and working on the event, which will involve discussions, workshops and evening entertainment.

    This is an unpaid position. Travel expenses will be paid, as will accommodation expenses for the event in May.  If our extremely limited finances permit, we will attempt to pay the volunteer a small fee.

    The role would suit someone with an interest in political and environmental issues, as well as science and the arts.

    The role will include:

    1. event administration and support
    2. outreach to activists and organisations
    3. assisting the project organiser as necessary
    4. minuting meetings

    The role will be managed by the project organiser.
    The role will be 3 days a week, 2 days of which will be working from home and the 3rd in Hackney.

    Essential criteria:

    1. administrative experience
    2. excellent personal skills with the ability to engage with a wide variety of people
    3. excellent written communication skills
    4. knowledge of political and environmental issues and sympathy with the aims of Breaking The Frame
    5. able to attend and work at the event near Sheffield, 2nd-5th May
    6. own telephone and computer for working from home
    7. able to work constructively on tasks from home with minimal direction
    8. ability to take instruction but also to take the initiative when necessary

    Desirable attributes:

    1. event experience
    2. website skills
    3. video and audio skills
    4. able to attend evening events on 10 March and 14 April in London.
    5. able to attend Saturday event on 29 March in London
    6. connections in the fields of environment and/or politics

    Details of the event can be found on the website here:

    If you are interested in the role, please send your CV and a covering letter (no more than one side of A4) to [email protected] by 9am on March 10th.

    In the covering letter please describe with examples how you meet the essential criteria for the role and also any of the desirable attributes which you possess.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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