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  • Sally Lever

    Sally Lever bio

    With a background in professional coaching, group facilitation and training that spans over 25 years, I have been working closely with individuals and groups for most of my working life. I trust that what I bring to this work with the dying and bereaved is an in-depth understanding of personal and professional relationships, life transitions and transformations. I have extensive experience of working with ritual and ceremony as a means to mark important life events and express ourselves with heart and soul.

    Articles by

    Sally Lever

    Materialism: so you think you’re not hooked?

    Sally Lever 28-May-2015

    ‘Understanding ourselves, we come to understand all things, but if we seek to understand all things without knowing the nature of our own awareness, great will be our calamity.’ David Frawley Read more

    Materialism: how to let go

    Sally Lever 09-Apr-2014

    Sally Lever is a coach, writer and facilitator on simple, sustainable life and livelihood. Here is a blog from Sally about four mistaken beliefs about materialism, with sustainable replacement beliefs. Read more

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