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  • Jasmine Dale

    Jasmine Dale bio

    For four years we built the main house, Earthlea. It was of high ecological integrity, using local straw, lime, sub soils from the building pad and timber from the woods that was felled and thinned sustainably in previous years in accordance with the woodland management plan. Over 400 friends helped us build it and much fun and pain was had. In 2016 we were featured on Grand Designs and listed in the top 10 builds and as exemplars of sustainability. On the 1st of January 2018, the house, very near completion, burnt to the ground. Whilst we have been in shock and hibernation, our dear friends cleared the burnt debris and cut down the charred timber frame. The foundations of the house are still largely intact, a blank canvas once again. For us, time to do something completely different!

    Articles by

    Jasmine Dale

    One planet people – one-month internships available at Lammas Ecovillage

    Jasmine Dale 31-Jan-2016

    As a new generation of aspiring land stewards, we wish to minimise dependence on fossil fuels whilst learning to meet our basic needs of food, shelter, energy and livelihood, from the land.  This has been entirely possible for millennia. However, in a 21st century Read more

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