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  • Geoff Dann

    Geoff Dann bio

    I am a foraging teacher and writer currently based in Hastings, but planning a move west next year. I started as a fungi specialist, but have now spent many years teaching groups of people to forage for plants and seaweeds as well. In 2016 my first book was published – the most comprehensive book available on British and northern European fungi foraging. My second book, on edible plants and seaweeds, will go on general release on January 15th 2022.

    Articles by

    Geoff Dann

    Edible seaweed season has started, but the British still don’t get them…

    Geoff Dann 26-Apr-2018

    Wild food author and expert Geoff Dann explores the overlooked edible seaweed as a delicious and nutritious addition to the wild food table and shares one of his seasonal recipes. Read more

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