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  • Daniel Scharf

    Daniel Scharf bio

    Daniel Scharf is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and for over 40 years has provided advice on land use planning in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Daniel’s ideas for regenerating local food systems and providing affordable housing through planning at national, local and neighbourhood levels are developed on his blog.

    Articles by

    Daniel Scharf

    New planning developments might allow a lot more people to build their own home

    Daniel Scharf 01-Sep-2019

    There have been some developments in the planning system that might allow a lot more people to build their own home. First, here’s some background. Read more

    Will we reach ‘peak car’, after which we can begin to reduce the number of cars on the roads?

    Daniel Scharf 19-Mar-2017

    As a baby-boomer I have lived through a 50 year period where life has become dominated by and dependent on the use of the private car. I wonder whether other people are sharing my expectation that there will be a very much shorter period, equivalent  to a revolution, where the car moves into the background? Read more

    If ‘agroecology’ is such a good idea, how can we get the planning system to promote it?

    Daniel Scharf 07-Feb-2017

    The planning system doesn’t currently differentiate between different types of agriculture, and maybe it should. The type of agriculture we prefer could be labelled ‘agroecology’ – but the problem is how to define it and how to get the planning system to recognise it, let alone promote it. Read more

    We’re heading for environmental meltdown – how the planning system could help

    Daniel Scharf 04-Sep-2016

    As a professional planner (of the town and country planning variety) and fan of Low-impact Living I always expect to see demands or requests being made of the planning system to assist in attempts by individuals or groups to experiment or set examples where impact on the environment would be minimised. Read more

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