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  • announcing sharenergys largest ever community energy share offer
  • Posted April 29th, 2015

    Announcing Sharenergy’s largest ever community energy share offer

    Announcing Sharenergy’s largest ever community energy share offer

    Sharenergy is happy to announce the launch of its largest ever share offer. We’ll be raising £1.35m to add to the £450,000 already subscribed for Heartland Community Wind in Scotland. Shares will attract EIS tax relief under the extension to EIS recently announced. The project will generate significant energy from 2 turbines 550m up on a grouse moor, and we’ll creating bursaries for local students as well as paying a fair return to members (projected at 7%). The turbines are now on order and being built, and we anticipate a strong demand for shares in the project – see their website for all the details and to sign up to get a share offer document as soon as they are made available tomorrow – or call us on 01743 277119 and we can send you one.

    In other news, a number of the other share offers we have been involved in have completed – congratulations in particular to Bury Hydro and New Leaf Solar who have both reached their targets for development funding. Liverpool Solar are still looking for a small sum to complete their development funding round. There are ongoing main share offers at Ludlow Hydro, Corwen and HoTT. There are also some shares still available in Pomona Solar, where the panel installation is nearing completion – as usual you can get the links at Sharenergy.


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