Low-impact living

Low-impact living is about self-provisioning and building the commons, to provide an alternative to corporations, protect nature, prepare for dangerous times and lay the foundations for a new system. Below are 250+ self-provisioning and commons topics, with introductory information, articles, opinion, interviews, advice and signposting. Browse the categories below.

Commons economy

We're part of a network in Stroud, Liverpool and London, building commons infrastructure in all sectors; we're talking with people in other towns and countries about 'replicating and federating' successful commons projects to build the foundations of a commons economy.

Stroud Commons are building commons infrastructure in Stroud that can be replicated in other towns.

Local Loop Merseyside are building a city-wide credit clearing scheme for Liverpool that can be replicated in other cities.

Mutual Credit Services are a London-based org designing commons models for all sectors of the economy.

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